Conscious Leadership for Executives

A three-day training in workshop format

How do you – as a leader – maximize your organization's capacity to execute on strategy? Create motivation, drive and collaboration?

How do you attract talent, maximize creativity, communication and relations, while reducing stress?

You start with yourself.

Why conscious leadership?

Today’s leadership landscape is characterized by more complexity, creativity and opportunity than ever. But the demands on you as an individual leader can be overwhelming. Implementing wise frameworks – such as the learning organization, eq, deep collaboration, failing fast, fearlessness and psychological safety – is helpful, and can even be transformative. But what is rarely addressed is what it actually takes, on a personal level, for a leader to live and breath such concepts on a daily basis.

Most managers have been trained on process and structure. But to become victorious in a volatile world, leaders now need to add new skills, honoring deep human needs such as purpose, integrity, trust, empathy, connection and true dialog. That is: Conscious leadership.

Walking this path helps you increase your organization’s capacity to successfully implement strategy. It transforms conflict into collaboration and stress into creativity. It also significantly increases your ability to attract and retain talent.

Moving to conscious leadership has the power to transform your business. This workshop will introduce you to:

  • Leading with integrity

    You can’t lead other people further than you’ve taken yourself. Your ability to stay present, whole and authentic is fundamental to successful leadership. We dive deep into self-awareness, thinking and feeling. We also examine commitment, candor and trust.

  • Radical responsibility

    Clear, expressed agreements are crucial. But as a leader, responsibility goes beyond what is arranged. Radical responsibility means embracing full acceptance of your situation. You will learn how fear and shame destroy psychological safety, and how self-awareness is the way out.

  • Clear communication

    So much gets lost in translation. And yet, conversation is all we have. We look at the six most destructive communication patterns, identify blind spots and train ourselves in ways to improve communication. This will help you maximize the exchange of information and build trusting relationships.

  • Promoting purpose

    Motivation fundamentally comes from within. Yet, in the workplace we focus mostly on external incentives. Without meaning and purpose, those efforts are wasted. In the workshop we explore how to get to full engagement in your specific organization.

  • Curiosity and collaboration

    While many recognize the value of a learning organization, few elaborate on the conditions necessary to unlock our innate curiosity and foster genuine collaboration. Discover how each moment can serve as a valuable learning opportunity for both you and your organization.

  • Your Zone of Genius

    How are you spending your time? Doing things you are merely competent at, or in areas where you truly shine? We introduce “Your Zone of Genius” and “upper-limiting”. We end by investigating what it would mean for you to be as extraordinary as you already are.

“Self-protection remains a hollow victory compared to the fulfillment that comes from actively serving an inspiring purpose.”

— Amy C. Edmondson

What other people say

“I might have been able to achieve the same inner and outer development on my own, but it would have taken me at least five years instead of the six months Ernst coached me."

— CEO/Sweden

"Ernst has remarkable interpersonal skills both in one-to-one interaction and with a group. He is able to connect and communicate from a place of deep understanding and respect for each individual as they are, while being open, transparent and empathetic. Ernst also has the courage to be vulnerable and through this encourage others to also be vulnerable. Then really deep work and learning can happen."

— CEO/Switzerland

“Ernst has made me lift my gaze to see patterns in my daily work, and to put words to the tangle of emotions that sometimes appeared. I have felt completely confident to put my problems forward at every opportunity.”

— Leader/Sweden

“Ernst helped and coached me in the fine arts of leadership and group dynamics during and after a bigger restructure initiative. He has great knowledge from both the business world and from the coaching and mindfulness side of things, which makes him the perfect solution for people in business. I now have a lot more leadership tools in my belt and I understand my team members in a much better way.”

— VP/Sweden

What does it take to be a conscious leader and how will this workshop help you get there?


It’s a lofty word. But behind it are concrete and practical skills that can be learned and practiced. A conscious leader is “simply” a person who has trained themselves in self-awareness, true integrity, empathy, vulnerability, non-violent communication, clarity in values and inclusion. All in all, a person striving for a deeper understanding of themselves, of human nature in general, and of the impact one's actions have on others.

This workshop will be a safe place exploring your specific situation and learning more about yourself and human nature. There will be teachings, with time for questions and reflections. We will gently practice new concepts together. Workshopping will allow you to bring your own case, to challenge yourself into finding new paths forward. Mindfulness helps you absorb the concepts introduced, on a deeper level. And since all participants are in leadership roles, there will be plenty of opportunity to learn from others.

The process is guaranteed to be both gentle and challenging, deeply personal as well as highly universal.

Details and pricing

  • Conscious Leadership for Executives is a three-day, off-site program near Stockholm, Sweden.

  • The training is held in English or Swedish, depending on the group's needs.

  • Participants will receive a ninety-minute individual "Immunity to Change" analysis before the training, to help identify areas for individual case work.

  • The participation fee is EUR 2100, excluding lodging and VAT. For smaller companies and startups there is a reduced fee of EUR 1600. 10% of all proceeds go to Giving What We Can.

  • The next opportunity is in Q1 2024. Exact dates posted shortly. Email us to stay informed.

Why I created this workshop

I have spent over 30 years in business leadership, creating, marketing and selling products and services. I’ve led teams through highs and lows, successes and failures. And every venture has been an amazing collaboration with remarkable people.

Shifting out of operative leadership, I dove both into deep self-discovery and exploring how my experiences and knowledge could support others. I realized how much I’ve been driven by fear and shame, and how that has held me back (to be honest, it still does, but at least less so).

In my work with leaders, the insight was to what extent I shared that conditioning with others.

This led me to incorporate self-awareness, consciousness, vulnerability, non-violent communication and mindfulness into my work with leaders. Witnessing the transformation that this enables has been amazing,

Many – including trailblazers before me – have proven that this path boosts productivity, improves the ability to execute on complex strategy, reduces stress and improves bottom line.

As a bonus it makes work life more creative, enjoyable and fulfilling for everybody – not just leaders!

I have now combined all my experiences as a CEO, coach and counselor into a new format: A training workshop.

And since this is my life’s passion, I would love to hold space and delve into these topics with you.

You’re warmly invited!

About Ernst

Ernst Nathorst-Böös – Workshop leader/facilitator

Ernst Nathorst-Böös is a dynamic leadership developer, executive coach, and counselor, who draws from his extensive background as a former CEO and entrepreneur.

Through his company, Framtidigt, Ernst provides a range of leadership development services. Whether he is coaching executives, leading workshops or counseling, he brings a uniquely personal perspective, combining business acumen with a deep understanding of human behavior. He has worked with clients across a wide range of industries, from startups to public corporations.

To learn more about Ernst and his work, visit or connect with him on LinkedIn at

“Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.”

— Carl Jung

Images courtesy Portrait by Johan Bergmark